We develop drivers and low-level applications from €1000

Drivers and low-level applications represent a challenge for any technical team due to the difficulties that arise in the development process. It is a type of software that must be tested intensively because it can block without problems even the most stable shutdown system. Fortunately, we have a top team specialized in the development of low level applications and drivers with experience on a wide range of hardware equipment.


Custom drivers for PCs

In the last 5 years of experience, I have developed over 15 drivers and low-level applications for a wide range of hardware / processors. We managed to develop a team with advanced knowledge regarding the kernels of major operating systems. If you want to develop a driver for your equipment, you have come to the right place.

Low-level applications and kernel processes

In addition to drivers, we can also develop applications that run in kernel mode, such as processes that work permanently in the background. Just like drivers, such programs need intensive long-term verification and can generate major problems if they are not properly tested.

Multiple operating systems
We develop drivers and low-level applications for Windows, Linux and MacOS according to specifications. We also have experience with the various versions of Linux, such as the versions that run on embedded equipment or single-board computers (Arduino). Contact us to discuss in detail the requirements of your project.
Wide range of processors and devices
We have experience in working with classic processors (Intel and AMD) but also with RISC processors or specialized processors. We also develop software for Arduino systems or other single board computers such as Raspberry Pi.
Intensive testing
Both drivers and low level applications or those running embedded devices (Arduino) need intensive testing because unlike other programs, they can completely block the operating system and lead to data loss. Our intensive testing process minimizes these risks.


Low-level applications for IOT and embed devices

Smart home / industrial devices have gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Web cameras, alarm systems, smart refrigerators connected to the Internet, these are all examples of IOT (Internet of things) devices that can be programmed. If you need specialists in this field, you can contact us without any problems.

Bluetooth Mouse Driver
Bluetooth Mouse Driver este un driver system care iti permite sa conectezi orice mouse bluetooth la windows, inclusiv Magic Mouse de la Apple. Clientul a dorit o interfata minima care sa permita comunicarea efectiva cu driver-ul si un sistem stabil. ... more...

CD Driver
CD Driver este un driver care te ajuta sa conectezi orice tip de CD-rom la calculator. Functioneaza cu majortitatea tipurilor de unitate optica interna sau externa. A fost dezvoltat pentru cei care inca mai au nevoie de aceste mijloace de stocare pe ... more...

Headphones Driver
Headphones driver este un program care te ajuta sa iti actualizezi driver-ul pentru casti. Examineaza tipul, versiunea si producatorul driver-ului dupa care cauta pe site-urile producatorului ultima versiune, o downloadeaza si o instaleaza in locul v... more...

Microphone Driver
Microphone driver este un utilitar care iti actualizeaza automat driver-ul de microfon / casti bluetooth cu ultima versiune disponibila pe site-ul prioducatorului. Este capabil sa faca instalarea noului driver si poate verifica in mod automat daca ap... more...

Webcam Driver
Webcam Driver este un driver sistem cu care poti conecta o gama variata de camere video la calculator. A fost scris pentru Windows 10 si sustine cele mai populare modele de camere web care se conecteaza prin USB.... more...


Free quote

Free quote If you want to know how much your project would cost, ask for a free quote. All you have to do is give us some details about your project, such as the basic functions and the platform it will run on. We will answer you in maximum 48 hours.

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