
In the more than 10 years of activity, we have created dozens of applications that cover a wide range of domains, from simple websites to AAA games. Here you can find a selection of the works we have done over time. If you have an idea, contact us and we will respond within 48 hours with a free evaluation.

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Mobile applications   Desktop applications   Websites   Virtual stores   Blockchain applications   Games and graphics applications   AI Applications   Drivers and kernel modules  

CryptoHawk AI
CryptoHawk AI is an application based on unsupervised learning that estimates the trend for a wide range of cryptocurrencies. It relies on a neural network that is constantly trained to analyze price evolution from the last months to make predictions...

Emerson AI
Emerson AI este un chatbot bazat pe tehnologia GPT-3. Este un partner execptional de conversatie care iti poate da raspunsuri argumentate la foarte multe intrebari. intelege intentia si contextul mult mai bine decat alte sisteme asemanatoare. Chiar d...

Q.ai este o aplicatie financiara bazata pe inteligenta artificiala care prezinta utilizatorului oportunitati de investitie. Aplicatia scaneaza mii de actiuni zi de zi, impreuna ca zeci de date asociate si le transmite motorului neuronal care interpre...

AI. Gallery
AI. Gallery este o aplicatie bazata pe inteligenta artificiala care iti poate da mai multe informatii despre o poza cum ar fi numele si tipul obiectelor detectate sau locul unde a fost facuta. Este practic o galerie inteligenta care iti permite sa ca...

AI NFT Generator
I NFT Generator este un generator de imagini bazat pe AI care creeaza imagini unice pe baza unor cuvinte cheie cum ar fi "baloane colorate in spatiu" sau "tevi metalice ruginite". Poate deasemenea genera aceste imagini intr-un anu...

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Mobile applications Mobile applications Terms and conditions
Web applications Web applications Privacy policy
Blockchain applications Blockchain applications GDPR
Desktop applications Desktop applications ANPC
Games and graphics applications Games and graphics applications  
Virtual stores Virtual stores  
AI Applications AI Applications  
Drivers and kernel modules Drivers and kernel modules  
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