Integration of flat systems |
The integration of a solid payment system is essential for any virtual store. We have experience in integrating card payments from multiple providers. We can also integrate other networks such as PayPal, SMS payments or cryptocurrencies. If you want to process payments directly, we can help you in every step. |
Integration with online trading platformse |
Not all sales of an e-commerce company come from sales on its own virtual store. Part of the sales come from external platforms such as Emag, Amazon or Ebay. There are many traders who get 100% of sales on these platforms. We offer integration services through which you will be able to sell on the major ecommerce platforms. |
Integration with courier companies |
Once the user has placed an order on your store, an equally important process begins which, if it doesn't work perfectly, can lead to the loss of many customers. It is about shipping the product. The faster it is done, the better. We offer integration with most major couriers such as FanCurier or SameDay.